Sharpclaw Sharpclaw: A fantasy comic by Sheryl Schopfer featuring fairy tales and furry tails. This original story includes adaptations of nursery rhymes and folklore.

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Sharpclaw Smut: Greykit 02 - 2

Greykit 02 - 2 of 4

Zeal reveals that her surprise for Shandower is a pair of playmates, Jack and Trenchant. Shandower approves.

Category: Sharpclaw Smut

Chapter: Sharpclaw Smut: Greykit 02

Labels: Sharpclaw, Art, Comic, Humor, Romance, Female, Male, Cat, Coyote, Dog, Lynx, Sex

Characters: Jack Gladsome, Shandower Cardoc, Trenchant Droll, Zeal Sharpclaw